Adding special grace and beauty to our Royal Court are the Visiting Jewels, ladies of college age representing communities outside of Austin. Each year, Texas Association of Symphony Orchestras chapters are invited to present Visiting Jewels and/or Visiting Escorts (college age gentlemen) at the Jewel Ball. Past Austin Royalty residing outside of Central Texas may also have their children/grandchildren presented as Visiting Jewels, and members of the WSL may nominate Visiting Jewels from communities around Texas and beyond.
Privileges accorded to the Visiting Jewels and their families include:
- Selection of a signature jewel to represent at the Jewel Ball
- Opportunity to invite three Trainbearers and one Escort from her home community (Trainbearers/Escort provided by the Jewel Committee upon request)
- An invitation to the Visiting Jewel and her mother to be honored at the Jewel Tea
- Presentation at a semi-formal event hosted by the Knights of the Symphony (Parents invited to attend)
- Presentation at the Jewel Ball Fashion Luncheon (Thursday preceding the Jewel Ball)
- Honored Guests at the Jewel Ball Rehearsal Dinner (Friday preceding the Jewel Ball)
- Honored Guests at the Knights of the Symphony Brunch (Saturday morning preceding the Ball)
- Local host families from the Women’s Symphony League to assist with logistics and help every family member have a wonderful experience
- Families receive 6 tickets to the Jewel Ball
- Families receive the commemorative Jewel Ball Program
By participating in the Jewel Ball, you and your college student will enjoy a beautiful, unforgettable experience while making lifelong friendships with other families who believe in supporting live classical music and arts education.