Women’s Symphony League of Austin (WSL) members are dedicated to supporting the activities of the Austin Symphony Orchestra (ASO), giving more than 15,000 volunteer hours each year to several fundraising projects and to a myriad of children’s educational programs. Members range in age from 23 to 70 plus. Many work full or part time. Member activities focus on fundraising and community volunteerism and provide many opportunities for socializing and camaraderie throughout the year.
Members participate financially and contribute volunteer hours each year for the two major fundraisers: the Jewel Ball events (1 of 3) in September and Red Haute Valentine Party & Children’s Style Show in February. In addition, members are required to commit to and participate on at least one Educational/Service Committee each year.
General meetings, which include a program and social time as well as a short business session, are usually held on the second Monday of each month, September through May. Morning and evening meetings are offered each year, and efforts are made to accommodate holidays. Members are encouraged to attend general meetings on a regular basis to keep apprised of all events and activities offered to its members.
New member candidates are proposed for membership by WSL members by March 1 of each year. After being invited to membership in the WSL, new member candidates must attend an orientation held in the spring with one or both of her sponsors. New members are transitioned into the group throughout their initial year of membership. New member social events starting in the fall provide opportunities for getting to know one another while learning details of the vast array of WSL projects.
See our New Member Requirements here. If you are interested in membership in the WSL, contact the New Member Chair at join@wslaustin.org to inquire about membership.
If you are new to the Austin area and you were involved with the Symphony League in your former city, you may be able to transfer your membership to the WSL. Contact the Membership VP at membership@wslaustin.org to inquire about transferring your membership.
There are many options available to WSL members for active participation in the WSL. The spirit and energy of the group, its diversity, and commitment to active involvement in the organization is the key to its success. The WSL is an energetic, enthusiastic group of women who pool their considerable talents, give generously of their time, and have a genuinely wonderful experience working together to keep the music playing for the children of Austin and for the Central Texas community as a whole. The Women’s Symphony League of Austin welcomes your interest.